Jorge Montalvo
I teach machines how to make a cleaner world :)

Hola! 😁
I am a Research Engineer at the Research and Development department at Centrica. I develop and implement demand-side response solutions using state-of-the-art machine learning models and operations research, heavily focused on data-driven and scalable control techniques for distributed energy assets, e.g., electric vehicles, batteries.
I am also an active core team member at Climate Change AI (CCAI), currently growing 🌱 a Power Systems Working Group to create an open-source research-oriented community. Join our Discord server here!
research interests
My research passion lies at the intersection between power systems modelling and machine learning applications – lately I’ve been super interested in reinforcement learning, graph neural networks, and causality applications for the power grid.
Feb 9, 2023 | Moved to Antwerp 🇧🇪 and started working at Centrica! |